AlertSense is Awarded NJPA Contract for Mass Communications/Emergency Messaging

AlertSense is Awarded NJPA Contract for Mass Communications/Emergency Messaging

March 4, 2021

Contract#: 031913-MSU

Category: Technology, Security & Communication Solutions

Description: Mass Communications/Emergency Messaging

AlertSense, Inc. provides mass notification services and emergency alerting for diverse industry segments, including federal, state and local government, utility and infrastructure, healthcare, education, corporate, and not-for-profit entities. AlertSense is committed to providing the best value, public safety communication, and collaboration solution.  The system is built on the latest alerting technology, international interoperability standards, and a geographically redundant, private cloud network infrastructure with the highest levels of security and reliability to ensure availability 24/7/365.

AlertSense is a fully hosted and managed Software as a Service (SaaS) recognized for its ease of use. It enables alert creation for notification delivery across all communication modes, including voice (landline, VoIP, & wireless), SMS text and polling, push notifications to mobile apps, posts to social media/web, and email. AlertSense also delivers notifications through all four Integrated Public Alert and Warning Systems (IPAWS) dissemination channels (TV / Radio, Cell Phones, NOAA Weather Radios, and Jurisdiction-to-Jurisdiction) and to any CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) compliant device, including building paging/speaker systems, and reader boards/electronic signs. With AlertSense's intuitive system, clients can be set up quickly to send internal notifications and citizen alerts, including R911.

AlertSense also provides consulting services for State & Local emergency departments and evaluation of Emergency Operation Center processes and procedures.

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