Alert and Poll Templates

You’re already under pressure during a critical event. Why add writing a description of the event and instructions for employees, identifying your message’s recipients, and editing the message to the other stressors that accompany a crisis? Instead, build alert and poll templates tailored for specific critical events and save these templates within Konexus.

You can create an alert or poll template under Alerting/Poll Templates in the web UI. Simply fill out the necessary fields with the information your template will need, and save your new template. 

Then, you can use a template to automatically populate sections of the alert or poll form. To use an alert or poll template, simply select your template from the menu at the top of the alert or poll form. Individual sections of the form will automatically populate based on the information that you included in the selected alert or poll template.

Critical events are stressful, but critical event communication is simple with templates. Create templates before a crisis so you can quickly connect during a critical event.

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