API Integrations

API Integrations refer to connections between two applications that allow the apps to share data or resources.

Not finding the integration you’re looking for with Konexus? If we don’t offer an integration that you need, you can build the integration yourself using Konexus’ APIs. 

Our APIs’ operations include common requests that your application might make. These operations include several methods:

  • POST: This method adds data to an application. For example, you could create a new task list for Konexus’ system.
  • GET: This method requests data from an application. For example, a GET request for Konexus’ API could retrieve a task list template from the system.
  • PUT: This method updates data in an application. For example, a PUT request could be used to update a task list template in Konexus. 
  • DELETE: This method removes data from an application. With this method, you could delete a task list based on the list’s ID.

Konexus helps your organization to connect when it counts; our APIs can help you build connections between the Konexus application and another system.

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API Integrations
Retrieve data from Konexus, or share data with Konexus for two-way data exchange between systems.
Archer Integrations
The Konexus extension for the RSA Archer BC/DR use case can simplify your business continuity planning.

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