Roles and Permissions

Konexus places plenty of mass notification features at your fingertips. However, not everyone in your organization will need to access these features. Roles and Permissions allow you to determine who in your organization can access specific features.

Konexus can automatically adjust user roles in the interface by using imported files from your organization, or administrators can designate specific roles for users to enable permission-based access to features.

If you want to handle the role creation process yourself, administrators can create new roles or edit existing roles under the Manage Roles tab. To create a new role, click the blue plus button in the upper-right corner, enter a role name, and assign the role an alerting and polling form.

Administrators can also assign users role permissions under this tab to allow users to send out alerts and polls, manage task lists, and control other Konexus features.

Once a role is created, you can edit the role if you need to change anything. To edit a role, you’ll select a role to edit, edit the information, and save your changes.

Control user access to Konexus’ features with Roles and Permissions.

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In-App Branding
Fully customize and brand your in-app experience. In-app marketing is important for your business because it can complement your product and other campaigns to increase customer engagement. It also allows you to personalize the customer experience and send messages to users at the most advantageous moments.
Efficient Reporting
Konexus can generate a report based on data from sent alerts and polls with new filter capabilities.
Roles and Permissions
Roles and Permissions within Konexus control user access to specific Konexus features.

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