Mobile App

Though Konexus offers an excellent web user interface, critical events can strike anytime and anywhere, so your response needs to be equally flexible. Konexus’ mobile app allows you to quickly respond to critical events. Administrators can send and track alerts, task lists, and polls from Konexus’ app. Then, message recipients can use the mobile app to respond to alerts and polls and complete task lists.

In addition to simplifying the critical event communication process for administrators, the app improves the chances that recipients will see your message and respond quickly since phones go everywhere with your people.

The mobile app includes many of the same features as the web UI but with the enhanced convenience that comes with any mobile application. With mass notification and critical event management features at your fingertips, you can always be prepared to alert your workforce, ensure employee safety, and launch a critical event response. 

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Company branding is important, and you should feel like you have true ownership over your critical event management platform. You can personalize Konexus’ interface by implementing your company branding.
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Critical Event Management
Manage any event from a single interface. Notify, engage, and monitor communication and recover in one application.
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